내가 성공했던 다이어트 방법 공개!

정보세상|2023. 4. 16. 00:03

안녕하세요. 이 시간에는 다이어트에 성공한 경험을 담아 글을 적어봅니다. 물론 지금도 만족스러운 체중(?)을 유지하고 있는데요. 그 방법은 바로 "간헐적 단식" 입니다.


저는 결혼 이후에 살이 부쩍 늘었고 꽤 오랜 기간 통통한 상태를 유지했는데요. 아무리 다이어트 약을 먹어도 효과는 그때 뿐이었습니다. 가격이 저렴하거나 애매한 국내 제품을 먹으면... 솔직히 효과는 거의 없다고 봅니다. 그나마 사람들 사이에 유명한 몇몇 제품들이 꽤 괜찮은 효과를 가져다주었지만, 그마저도 다이어트 제품을 먹지 않으면 며칠 안으로 과거의 체중으로 돌아가기 일쑤였습니다.


결국 찾아낸 방법이 '간헐적 단식'이었고, 현재까지도 나름 멋스러운 라인을 자랑하는 체형으로 유지하고 있답니다. 참고로 해당 글은 특정 제품을 소개하거나 판매하는 목적으로 작성되지 않았음을 미리 알려드립니다.


간헐적 단식이란?

전반적인 열량 섭취를 줄여 체중을 줄이고, 혈당 수준을 안저이켜 몸에 저장되어 있는 지방을 사용하게 만드는 식이 패턴의 한 유형을 이야기합니다.


여러 패턴 중 저는 16:8시간을 선택했습니다. 궁금하시죠?

평소 16시간을 금식하고 8시간 식사 시간을 갖게 됩니다. 물론 사람마다 시간 비율은 각자 정하시면 됩니다.



오후 6시까지 식사를 끝내라!

저는 아무리 늦어도 7시 이전에 식사를 끝냈습니다. 평균적으로 5-6시 사이를 넘기지 않았습니다.

오후6시 + 밤12 = 6시간

밤12시 + 오전10시 = 10시간

총 = 16시간


결과적으로 저녁만 잘 참으시면 16시간 금식은 크게 어렵지 않습니다.

혈당을 급격하게 올리지 않고 안정적으로 유지하며, 저장된 지방을 에너지원으로 사용함으로써 체중 감량까지 할 수 있는 시스템입니다.





인슐린 저항성 개선


인슐린 저항성은 인슐린에 대한 우리 몸의 반응이 정상적인 기준보다 감소되어 있는 경우를 말합니다. 이 말을 풀어보면, 음식이 몸에 들어오면, 일시적으로 인슐린 수치가 급상승하여 혈당 수치가 급격하게 떨어지는데, 이것이 제대로 작동하지 않아 계속 고혈당 상태가 유지되는 것을 말합니다.


공복을 유지하면 혈당이 안정적으로 유지되어 인슐린 저항성을 개선할 수 있습니다.



인슐린 감수성(민감성) 향상


정상적인 인슐린 기능이 작동하는 것을 말합니다. 혈당이 세포 속으로 쉽게 들어갈 수 있는 상태로 제대로 관리하면 당뇨 예방에 효과적입니다.





혈당 안정화


혈당 수치가 하루 종일 상대적으로 안정적으로 유지될 수 있어, 인슐린 수치도 상대적으로 안정적으로 유지됩니다.



체중ㆍ체지방 감소


16시간 동안 단식을 하면 체내 글리코겐 저장량이 고갈되면서 혈당 수치가 감소합니다. 이에 대한 반응으로 신체는 글리코겐을 포도당으로 분해하는 호르몬인 글루카곤을 방출하여 혈당 수치를 유지하는 데 도움을 줍니다.


저장된 글리코겐이 고갈되면 신체는 저장된 지방을 에너지원으로 사용하기 시작하여 케톤 생성으로 이어집니다.



염증 감소


혈당 수치를 내리기 위해 췌장에서 많은 인슐린을 분비하게 되는데, 혈중 인슐린 수치가 높은 상태로 유지되면 체지방이 축적되고, 체내 염증이 유발됩니다.


단식은 지방산 생산을 낮추고, 인슐린 저항성을 개선하여 심혈관질환, 염증을 줄일 수 있습니다.

간헐적 단식은 16:8 시간으로 이루어집니다.



많은 사람들이 여전히 16시간을 굶고 나머지 8시간 동안 마음껏 먹는다고 생각을 하고 있는데요. 그럼 폭식을 하는 형태로 바뀌기 때문에 다이어트에 도움이 되지 않습니다. 그럼 어떻게 조절을 해야 할까요?


+ 경험을 담은 노하우 +

기본적으로 6시 이후에 식사를 하게 되면 혈당을 높일 수 있고 여분의 당이 지방으로 저장될 수 있기 때문에 어지간하면 최대한 5 - 6시 이전에 식사를 끝내는 것이 좋습니다.

ㆍ밤 시간에 배고픈 경우, 곤약 등과 같은 칼로리가 낮은 음식으로 간단히 배를 채웁니다.
ㆍ짧게 잠을 자는 것보다, 충분한 수면을 취하면 다이어트 효과가 높습니다.
ㆍ오전 10시 이후에 식사는, 평소 드시던 음식을 그대로 섭취하시면 됩니다.
ㆍ하루에 1끼 정도로 식사 횟수를 줄이면 효과가 빠르며, 1끼 안에 충분한 영향을 섭취하는 게 좋습니다.
아이스크림/초콜릿/기타 간식거리는 피하는 게 좋습니다. (놀랍도록 빠르게 살이 찹니다;;)
을 드시면 몸이 잘 붓기 때문에 최대한 피하는 게 좋습니다.


오후 6시 이후 '다이어트 음식'

단백질 - 생선 / 샐러드
늦은 저녁 식사에는 칠면조 고기 또는 생선, 샐러드, 조림 야채 형태의 단백질 식품이 좋습니다.

해산불,야채, 샐러드
해산물과 녹말이 적은 야채를 곁들인 샐러드는 늦은 저녁 식사에 적합합니다.
삶은 오징어/오이/브로콜리/생선은 좋습니다.

버섯, 견과류
버섯(삶거나 조림)을 먹을 수 있지만 150 - 200g을 넘지 않는 것이 좋습니다.
튀김 및 소금에 절인 버섯은 소화관과 신장에 많은 부하가 걸리므로 제외하는 것이 좋습니다.
견과류는 필수 지방산으로 몸을 포화시키고 콜레스테롤 수치를 낮추며 수면의 질에 유익한 영향을 미칩니다.
말린 과일, 견과류 및 생씨앗 (호박, 참깨, 해바라기)을 혼합하여 사용할 수 있습니다.

삶거나 구운 야채
삶거나 구운 또는 신선한 야채입니다. 오븐에서 간단히 구운 야채 수프도 좋습니다.
오이, 토마토, 양상추, 호박, 가지, 모든 종류의 양배추
감자는 삶거나 구워 먹는 것이 좋습니다.

- 취침 2시간 전에는 음식을 먹지 않는 것 중요 -


'정보세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

개인회생제도 알아보기  (0) 2023.04.15


개인회생제도 알아보기

정보세상|2023. 4. 15. 13:46



1천만원 이상의 채무에, 채무가 재산보다 많으면서, 근로 또는 소득이 있는자가, 일정기간 갚아나가면 원금과 이자를 포함하여 최대 90%까지 채무 탕감을 받을 수 있는 절차입니다.




'정보세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

내가 성공했던 다이어트 방법 공개!  (0) 2023.04.16


킬러의 보디가드 라이언 레이놀즈

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 13. 20:38

킬러의 보디가드 라이언 레이놀즈



국제사법재판소의 증인으로 채택된 킬러를 반드시 지켜내야 하는 보디가드, 그에게 임무보다 더 어려운 난제는 구제불능 킬러와의 동거. 브로맨스 제로, 케미 0% 두 남자의 사상 최대 미션이 시작된다!.




킬러의 보디가드


(출처 : 킬러의 보디가드)







We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story is a silly cartoon

about a dinosaur called Rex (voiced by the wonderful





John Goodman). He tells a little boy dinosaur the story

about how the dinosaurs came back to Earth to live.



I spent first 20 minutes itching to turn it off since

the animation style didn't seem all that pleasant, but

then things just kept happening and

before I knew it I was really immersed in it.




'Mind Game' has everything: irony, action, humour ,

even romance; and it touches practically every aspect of

human life, going from relationships to domestic problems.





I love Maggie Smith but she just seems

too together here, too composed, the

part called for more of a wacky, physical comedian.



Dustin Hoffman, as Enrico "Ratso" Rizzo, gives one

of his best - it's a bit funny at times (he sounds

like a cartoon character when he





speaks - maybe because

of the Lenny/"Simpsons" connection), but

Hoffman is entirely convincing.



Kirk was off the ship) for arrest and says, "The charge

is mutiny, Dr.; I never received orders to take over

the ship." What follows is a court martial in





which - thanks to the Talosians - we learn why it

was so important (besides the

obvious paralysis) for Capt.



Tony Montana would and did ANYTHING to

achieve it..it all its violent, lying,

stealing, crooked, thieving glory.




The part of the film that personified the

1980's to me, is the money laundering.






어드리프트:우리가 함께한 바다 샘 클라플린

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 13. 17:34

어드리프트:우리가 함께한 바다 샘 클라플린



환상적인 섬 타히티에서 운명처럼 사랑에 빠진 바다를 닮은 자유로운 여자 ‘태미’와 바다를 사랑하는 섬세한 남자 ‘리처드’는 함께 요트를 타고 6,500km의 긴 항해를 시작한다. 바다 위에서 인생 최고의 행복한 시간을 만끽하던 연인은 남태평양 한가운데에서 예상치 못한 사상 최악의 허리케인을 만나게 되는데… 사랑은 우리를 버리지 않는다..




어드리프트:우리가 함께한 바다


(출처 : 어드리프트:우리가 함께한 바다)







Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books and has been since

childhood, but William Hurt's weary, throwaway acting

style is completely unsuitable to the bold passion of

Edward Rochester and poor Charlotte Gainsbrough

looks like a bored, petulant teenager whose dental





braces hurt! I also can't believe that they eliminated

Edward's great marriage proposal scene from the end

of the book, one of the most moving moments in literature.





But the film is also effective to show how the

father resisted this dream because for him science was

not the fabric of a true man, like mining or football.





OK - the helicopter shots are fantastic, and the

director made good use of some

of Barcelona's top sights.



What it's really surprising is the way that McKee

makes the story his own with a style that seems

to adapt classic Gothic horror to his own artistic





ideal without being unfaithful to both and without

being too much of a copy of his previous masterpiece.





A few will express good and hope despite the

great evil being inflicted upon

them and those around them.



However, this movie wasn't created to explain every

element of Joseph Smith's life, ministry, triumphs,

controversies, failures etc.; it was designed for a quick





glimpse at a few highlights of one of the most amazing

American and historical religious figures of all time..






영화 벌새 줄거리 내용을 해석 해봅니다

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 13. 13:30

영화 벌새 줄거리 내용을 해석 해봅니다



1994년, 알 수 없는 거대한 세계와 마주한 14살 ‘은희’의 아주- 보편적이고 가장- 찬란한 기억의 이야기.






(출처 : 벌새)








The Shapeshifter appears to be some Russian

immigrant prisoner who is able to transform

himself into a flesh-eating monster.





Inspiration, feelings, thoughts, emotion,

life, tension, idealism, morality, activism, temptation,

love, friendship... One of the best movies i've ever seen.



Plus, despite all the cheesy over-acting by Lazarus,

the pay-off just isn't worth waiting for at all! In so

many ways, this episode looked either like a "throw





away" episode or perhaps one that had been

written and re-written again and

again and just wasn't perfected.





Colbert can't afford any salary, but Louise is

willing to work cheap, just for room

and board for herself and her child.



In a nearby village lives an inventor named

Maurice, and his daughter, Belle, a





bookworm who is not

happy living in this village.



The film is about authors,

creative writers and creative





minds and the place they go

when in need of a new idea or story.







무사 주진모

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 13. 07:25

무사 주진모



{고려 우왕 1년, 서력 1375년. 중국에선 주원장이 원나라를 만리장성 이북으로 밀어내고 명나라를 세웠으나, 원의 부흥세력은 강력히 저항하고 있었다. 당시 고려와 명의 관계는 공민왕 시해사건과 명사신 살해사건으로 인해 악화되어 있었다.} 명나라에 사신으로 갔다 간첩혐의를 받고 귀양길에 오르게 된 고려의 무사들. 부사 이지헌(송재호 분)과 그의 호위무사 여솔(정우성 분), 용호군의 젊은 장수 최정(주진모 분), 최정의 부관인 가남(박정학 분), 주진군 일행과 대장 진립(안성기 분). 귀양길로 향하던 중 몽고군의 습격을 받아 명군은 전멸당하고, 고려인들만 사막에 고립된다.






(출처 : 무사)







Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books and has been since

childhood, but William Hurt's weary, throwaway acting style

is completely unsuitable to the bold passion

of Edward Rochester and poor Charlotte Gainsbrough





looks like a bored, petulant teenager whose dental

braces hurt! I also can't believe that they eliminated

Edward's great marriage proposal scene from the end

of the book, one of the most moving moments in literature.






But the film is also effective to show how the father

resisted this dream because for him science was

not the fabric of a true man, like mining or football.






OK - the helicopter shots are fantastic, and the

director made good use of some of Barcelona's top sights.



What it's really surprising is the way that McKee

makes the story his own with a style that seems to adapt

classic Gothic horror to his own





artistic ideal without being

unfaithful to both and without being too

much of a copy of his previous masterpiece.





A few will express good and hope despite the

great evil being inflicted upon

them and those around them.



However, this movie wasn't created to explain every

element of Joseph Smith's life, ministry, triumphs,

controversies, failures etc.; it was designed for a





quick glimpse at a few highlights of one of the most

amazing American and historical

religious figures of all time..







다키스트 아워 게리 올드만

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 13. 03:21

다키스트 아워 게리 올드만




우린 결코 굴복하지 않습니다 승리가 없으면 생존도 없기 때문입니다 덩케르크 작전, 그 시작 다키스트 아워.




다키스트 아워


(출처 : 다키스트 아워)







According to Neil Sinyard, author of The Films

of Richard Lester, this event symbolizes the





United Kingdom as lesser in power and technology

when compared to the United States during the space age.



There was the cute, and slightly awkward, scenes with

Ryder and Rowlands (maybe one of Ryder's few

gems in her career too, mostly based on style).





The segment in Paris, again, may make one feel a

little uncomfortable, but that might be the point.



I enjoyed the sets of the subterranean city and

the teen kids were likable, but it took a little long

before anything happened and when it did it





was a little too far-fetched

with poor special-effects.



However, the experiment has some side-effects

that were not intended, and Alex is left helpless as

his past victims come to gain revenge on him.




As I said earlier, the acting (not to

mention the soundtrack) is great.



I'm sure most of the people who watched this

unentertaining crap were in their sixties and

seventies and just tuned in because they had





nothing better to do, or simply remembered

its star from the old Dick Van Dyke Show.



It is well filmed and has a lot of incredibly

moving stories from several

Christian families with Gay children.




I promise that if you have ever wondered

what the Bible Really says about Homosexuality,

this movie is a must see..






공동경비구역 JSA 결말 해석 실화 살펴보자구요

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 12. 23:17

공동경비구역 JSA 결말 해석 실화 살펴보자구요



판문점 공동경비구역 내 돌아오지 않는 다리 북측 초소에서 북한 초소병(신하균 분)이 총상을 입고 살해되는 사건이 발생한다. 사건 이후 북한은 남한의 기습테러공격으로, 남한은 북한의 납치설로 각각 엇갈린 주장을 한다. 양국은 남북한의 실무협조 하에 스위스와 스웨덴으로 구성된 중립국 감독위원회의 책임수사관을 기용해 수사에 착수할 것을 극적으로 합의한다. 중립국 감독 위원회에서는 책임수사관으로 쮜리히 법대 출신의 한국계 스위스인이며 군 정보단 소령인 소피(이영애 분)를 파견한다.




공동경비구역 JSA


(출처 : 공동경비구역 JSA)







Cattle rustlers force some gunplay at Southfork,

and various attempts are made on J.R.'s life.



The movie does deliver on all usual fun stuff that

"Dallas" fans look for (J.R.'s connivin' and dealin'

and all that), though it's a bit painful

to see our beloved stars aging..



I mean Harmony wasn't going to put up

the cash for the series to get publicised.



Despite the few picky faults people have had with this

film, The eighties feel of it keeps me in love.



There was barely a minute in the Circus I wasn't

smiling and/or laughing like a silly little kid, and





that's the key for how successful the

picture is and, hopefully, in its appeal.



Cooper turning it into a minor mantra, like Lincoln's

version of the Monroe Doctrine, is ridiculous...typical





of the way DeMille's scripts have really

bad errors of common sense in them.

However, this is not a ruinous mistake.



Unlucky in fact characterizes the fates of most of the

Yelnats men and has been since exploits of Stanley IV's `no





good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.' Those

particular exploits cursed the family's men

to many an ill-fated turn.



My father lived there in the early 60's and still waxes

poetic about the landscape and

wonderful people he met there.



The negativity that a few have expressed about

Hidalgo puzzles me and

smacks of ulterior motives.






사랑의 선물 문영동

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 11. 16:53

사랑의 선물 문영동



남편의 병 치료와 가족의 생계를 위해 최선을 다해 살아온 여자 이소정. 그녀는 남편의 치료비와 가족의 생존을 위해 몸부림치다 결국 몸까지 팔게 된다. 자신의 몸 위에서 꿈틀대는 낯선 남자들을 보며 남편에 대한 미안함과 너무나 무기력한 자신의 존재에 눈물을 흘리기도 하지만 남자들이 주고 떠난 돈을 보며 작은 희망을 가지고 살아간다. 그러나 그녀의 그 작은 희망마저 경찰의 단속으로 무너진다.





사랑의 선물


(출처 : 사랑의 선물)






For a start the film is so boring it's untrue, the kidnap

plot is one of the dullest I've ever seen without the

slightest bit of tension or excitement involved & the





horror side of things don't improve as we get a big black

guy with stupid looking over-sized bloodshot

eyes plus two tame cannibal scenes.





A guy with his head cut

clean off... looked clean - missing

signs bone, flesh, blood, and even the head.



It was great to watch this film

and see live footage of





the great Irish rock guitarist Rory Gallaher,

performing with his band Taste.





But then we start seeing new footage

(alternates from Superman - The Movie for the trial)

and that first bit of hesitation fades away.



It could be because of my lack of experience

with the genre, or that it's a genuinely clever twist.




Either way, the movie's pretty bad and don't watch it

if there's anything better on... Unless

you're in the mood for a cheap scifi flick..





There's some well-placed humor in the film, such as

when O'Brien lands his plane in a lady's bathroom (!), but the

film is as much a mystery as it is a western.






라스트 미션 브래들리 쿠퍼

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 11. 14:49

라스트 미션 브래들리 쿠퍼



평생 가족에게 잘못만 저질렀던 가장의 후회 자신의 잘못을 되돌리기 위한 마지막 선택 새로운 인생이 그를 기다리는데….





라스트 미션


(출처 : 라스트 미션)






I have liked movies with Perez before, but I have

decided that the reason I have enjoyed other works in

her career was that she was not a main character and





didn't have that many speaking lines ( Do the Right Thing ).

But now in White Men Can't Jump she was made a central

character with many lines, thus meaning

that the audience has to put up with her

incredibly annoying and whining voice.





Seeing these two historical characters sharing a

tearful goodbye, and a handkerchief, was simply beautiful.





The foreign movies are sometimes more

interesting, yet there is not enough

advertisement to make them popular.



So, when made in 1970, that was the city you saw: grim,

dark, moody, unsettling and not the place that the harassed

couple finally chose for their new life together in the Big

Smoke (as it was then, polluted and all). By 1999, things

had gotten better: glitz was back, New York was thriving,

it was the Big Apple, ready for you to bite into, if you had the moxie...




So, naturally, the couple in this second coming find

that moxie within themselves and finally join the fabulous

fray to continue the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.



In this movie, Brosnan plays against type - and has lots of fun doing so (as does the audience). This is a film about a hired assassin who befriends a harried businessman... and it works!




This is a fun movie, with very good scenes (a riveting, on-the-edge Brosnan and a good, compliant "off"-the-edge Kinnear have some good lines). My only cavil is that Hope Davis, playing the oh-so-tolerant wife ("Can I see your gun?") doesn't appear more often: she could have been a marvellous foil to these men.

This movie is like a matador: it plays with the audience, while "going for a kill". The ending is awesome because a storyline (with a positive moral!) emerges: this is a frenetic, frantic and fun movie, which does deserve a wide audience..



The scene where Joe finds out the prostitute

(Steven Andrews) he hired is in fact a man & Joe starts to





chase him around his apartment with two

squirting dildo's is simply jaw dropping stuff.






영화 기생충 아카데미 작품상 결말

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 11. 09:45

기생충 최우식영화 기생충 아카데미 작품상 결말



전원백수로 살 길 막막하지만 사이는 좋은 기택(송강호) 가족. 장남 기우(최우식)에게 명문대생 친구가 연결시켜 준 고액 과외 자리는 모처럼 싹튼 고정수입의 희망이다. 온 가족의 도움과 기대 속에 박사장(이선균) 집으로 향하는 기우. 글로벌 IT기업 CEO인 박사장의 저택에 도착하자 젊고 아름다운 사모님 연교(조여정)가 기우를 맞이한다.







(출처 : 기생충)






But it's much more fun to watch ''Vitus,

which brings up the same issues--about how it's





tough to be exceptional--without

demonizing brilliance.



I watch a lot films; in a week it differs from 5 to

10. This screenplay was unique in way that made





me think about myself and life

and how vulnerable we are.



Miyagi (Pat Morita) speaking in broken-English,

after having lived in the United States

(since his teens) for over 50-years!



It's interesting that this film

still has a following in Australia.






The fighting scenes were unbelievable boring

and not to followable,somehow

they were not to follow the situation.





It looks quite impressive.

I foud this movie quite enjoyable and

is worth seeing if you get the chance.

Rating: 4 stars out of 5..



Surprisingly the movie manages to sustain the

intensity, asking questions while shining

a light on different corners of the world.



The acting and cinematography are uniformly good,

the latter especially considering the low budget.






칠곡 가시나들 박월선

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 11. 01:41

칠곡 가시나들 박월선



때론 컨닝도 하고, 농띠도 피워가며 ‘가갸거겨’ 배웠더니 어느새 온 세상이 놀 거리, 볼 거리로 천지삐까리! 눈만 마주쳐도 까르르르, 열일곱 가시나가 된 할머니들 이제 매일매일 밥처럼, 한 자 한 자 시를 짓게 되는데… "고마 사는 기, 배우는 기 와 이리 재밌노!" 한글과 사랑에 빠진 칠곡 할머니들의 두근두근 욜로 라이프가 시작된다!.




칠곡 가시나들


(출처 : 칠곡 가시나들)




There are many fine cameo roles - Kate Burton as

Fiona's mother, James Frain as Isaac's priest friend,

and all the members of the wannabe wheelchair

bound group - and the cinematography by Michael





McDonough is both appropriately claustrophobic indoors

and transcendently beautiful in the tulip fields of Skagit

Valley, WA used as the setting for the

upstate New York accident location.



Tess Harper and Sam

Waterston play the girls'





parents with dead aim accuracy for 1957,

caring, strict, and emotionally simple.



Watching the people Andrew loved die was probably

the part of the film that touched me most, because

I'm a very nostalgic person at heart - I love recalling

past incidents, people I knew... and I felt

Andrew's pain at losing the people he loved most.





A lot of reviewers criticised this movie for its unrealistic

portrayal of the future, its failure to properly adapt

Asimov's book (from what I've heard about it, it does

sound like a great pity, as the book seems

more powerful), hell, even the music played.

But none of that stuff really matters to me.



The skipper is suspected of committing 'foul play'

on a rival and sinks to the bottom of a bottle

and the port he meets and is tricked into a cruise by





the women in is obviously Gibraltar (old Morris 1300

driven by port officials, scene showing the Rock).

They then set sail on what is a most turgid voyage.





It is Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-hsien's keen

aspiration to pay homage to Ozu on his

centenary with this generally enervating 2003 film.



Curt goes from being with Steve and Laurie to

cruising with his ex-girlfriend, to being abducted by a

car gang, to finally finding disc jockey Wolfman Jack

to play a song for the blonde in a white T-Bird.




Steve decides to break up with Laurie

because he's going off to college.







아메리칸 셰프 - 스칼렛 요한슨,존 파브로

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 10. 18:24

아메리칸 셰프 - 스칼렛 요한슨,존 파브로



일류 레스토랑의 셰프 칼 캐스퍼는 레스토랑 오너에게 메뉴 결정권을 뺏긴 후 유명음식평론가의 혹평을 받자 홧김에 트위터로 욕설을 보낸다. 이들의 썰전은 온라인 핫이슈로 등극하고 칼은 레스토랑을 그만두기에 이른다. 아무것도 남지 않은 그는 쿠바 샌드위치 푸드트럭에 도전, 그 동안 소원했던 아들과 미국 전역을 일주하던 중 문제의 평론가가 푸드트럭에 다시 찾아오는데… 과연 칼은 셰프로서의 명예를 되찾을 수 있을까?.




아메리칸 셰프


(출처 : 아메리칸 셰프)





Explanation : it's no use trying to get back the jewelry

Jacquouille has stolen ; don't you remember this nice

red shiny and expensive car he bought at the end of the

1st episode ? Where do you think he found the money ?

Selling the jewelry... And that's only one of

many holes Poiré tries to avoid... and fails.




Let's have a look at the characters : Montmirail

doesn't change, he's just a little more boring.



Hank Deerfield, Tommy Lee Jones, is called

by the MP's at the military base that his son

Michael, Jonathan Tucker,is stationed at and told





that if his son doesn't show up within 48

hours that he'll be declared AWOl.



This, to me is proof that with a great

storyteller/writer, cast and director, time and

care; something true to itself can be produced.






I just wish there were more

films made to this standard..





At least you get some naked shots

and some nice animation sequences of

old Japanese paintings which work pretty well.



This is not a normal role for Bruce Willis but he

holds the role like he holds John McClane.

The virus-kills everyone on earth and leaves a few

hundred survivors story is not a new one

but the story takes a fresh new direction on it.




A man(Bruce)is sent back in time to get information

on a virus which has wiped out most of man kind.
The actors in this were awesome.



I assume this is a first-half of 1934 release

(and, thus, technically a "pre-Code") as there is no





Production Code certificate #

displayed on the beginning credits.






블랙머니 실화 은행 실존인물 결말

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 10. 15:19

블랙머니 실화 은행 실존인물 결말



일명 서울지검 ‘막프로’! 검찰 내에서 거침없이 막 나가는 문제적 검사로 이름을 날리는 ‘양민혁’은 자신이 조사를 담당한 피의자가 자살하는 사건으로 인해 하루 아침에 벼랑 끝에 내몰린다. 억울한 누명을 벗기 위해 내막을 파헤치던 그는 피의자가 대한은행 헐값 매각사건의 중요 증인이었음을 알게 된다. 근거는 의문의 팩스 5장! 자산가치 70조 은행이 1조 7천억원에 넘어간 희대의 사건 앞에서 ‘양민혁’ 검사는 금융감독원, 대형 로펌, 해외펀드 회사가 뒤얽힌 거대한 금융 비리의 실체와 마주하게 되는데… 대한민국 최대의 금융스캔들, 사건은 아직 끝나지 않았다!.






(출처 : 블랙머니)









We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story is a silly cartoon

about a dinosaur called Rex (voiced by the

wonderful John Goodman). He tells a little boy





dinosaur the story about how the

dinosaurs came back to Earth to live.



I spent first 20 minutes itching to turn it off since

the animation style didn't seem all that pleasant,

but then things just kept happening and

before I knew it I was really immersed in it.




'Mind Game' has everything: irony, action, humour ,

even romance; and it touches practically every aspect

of human life, going from

relationships to domestic problems.



I love Maggie Smith but she just seems

too together here, too composed,





the part called for more of a

wacky, physical comedian.



Dustin Hoffman, as Enrico "Ratso" Rizzo, gives one of

his best - it's a bit funny at times (he sounds like a

cartoon character when he speaks - maybe because of





the Lenny/"Simpsons" connection),

but Hoffman is entirely convincing.



Kirk was off the ship) for arrest and says,

"The charge is mutiny, Dr.; I never received

orders to take over the ship." What follows is a

court martial in which - thanks to the





Talosians - we learn why it was so important

(besides the obvious paralysis) for Capt.



Tony Montana would and did ANYTHING to

achieve it..it all its violent,

lying, stealing, crooked, thieving glory.




The part of the film that personified the

1980's to me, is the money laundering.






드래곤 길들이기 2 제라드 버틀러

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 10. 12:02

드래곤 길들이기 2 제라드 버틀러



바이킹과 드래곤이 친구가 되어 평화롭게 살아가는 버크섬. 청년이 된 히컵은 아버지 스토이크의 바람과는 달리 족장이 되는 것 보다 버크섬 밖의 더 넓은 세상을 보고 싶어한다. 그러던 어느 날, 신비로운 얼음대륙을 탐험하던 히컵과 투슬리스는 드래곤 사냥꾼들이 쳐놓은 덫에 걸리고, 드래곤들을 위협하는 강력한 어둠의 존재에 대해 알게 된다. 히컵과 투슬리스는 드래곤들의 평화를 위해 의문의 드래곤 군단과 맞서기로 결심하는데….




드래곤 길들이기 2


(출처 : 드래곤 길들이기 2)







The Shapeshifter appears to be some

Russian immigrant prisoner who is able to

transform himself into a flesh-eating monster.



Inspiration, feelings, thoughts, emotion,

life, tension, idealism, morality, activism, temptation,





love, friendship... One of the

best movies i've ever seen.



Plus, despite all the cheesy over-acting by Lazarus,

the pay-off just isn't worth waiting for at all!

In so many ways, this episode looked either like a





"throw away" episode or perhaps one that had been

written and re-written again and

again and just wasn't perfected.





Colbert can't afford any salary, but Louise is

willing to work cheap, just for room

and board for herself and her child.



In a nearby village lives an inventor

named Maurice, and his daughter, Belle,





a bookworm who is not happy

living in this village.





The film is about authors,

creative writers and creative minds and the

place they go when in need of a new idea or story.






다이노 타임 유리 로웬탈

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 9. 18:10

다이노 타임 유리 로웬탈



말썽꾸러기 삼총사 어니, 맥스, 줄리아는맥스 아버지의 비밀 작업실에서 알 모양의 타임캡슐을 건드려 1억년 전 공룡세계에 도착하게 된다. 하필 그들이 도착한 곳은 무시무시한 티라노사우루스 '타이라'의 둥지 속! '타이라'는 말썽꾸러기 삼총사를 아기 공룡으로 착각하고 '타이라'의 알을 노리는 알 도둑 공룡들은 타임캡슐을 훔치려 하는데... 다이노 패밀리와 함께 짜릿한 공룡시대로의 환상적인 모험이 시작된다!.





다이노 타임


(출처 : 다이노 타임)








I thought the story was good but there were

times when some of the subcharacters

were grossly over-acting.



My favorite goddess is Urd,

for sure! She is sexy and very confident.





The varying anime series feature the main characters and

are based on the same basic plot line as the original manga.

Keiichi Morisato, one day, called the Goddess services

by accident when he was ordering something to eat.







Director Dewey Nicks

was a former

fashion photographer, and after reviewing this film,

you can only wish he'll go back to the profession.






All in all it's a moderately enjoyable horror slice of

cheese - you could do much worse and

you can do a Whole Lot Better!.



Sidney and Fonda make a marvelous team,

and it is nice to see Barton





MacLane playing a nice guy

for a change, instead of his usual growling bully.





If you just found out the pie killed your daughter,

you wouldn't feed it to anyone else would you?!

Book was so much better!.






나이트 크롤러 제이크 질렌할

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 9. 14:10

나이트 크롤러 제이크 질렌할



루이스 (제이크 질렌할)는 우연히 목격한 교통사고 현장에서, 특종이 될 만한 사건 현장을 카메라에 담아 TV 매체에 고가에 팔아 넘기는 일명 ‘나이트 크롤러’를 보게 된다. 경찰이 도착하기 전에 빠르게 나타나 현장을 스케치하고 전화를 통해 가격을 흥정하는 그들에게서 묘한 돈 냄새를 맡은 루이스는 즉시 캠코더와 경찰 무전기를 구입하고 사건현장에 뛰어든다. 유혈이 난무하는 끔찍한 사고 현장을 적나라하게 촬영해 첫 거래에 성공한 루이스는 남다른 감각으로 지역채널의 보도국장 니나(르네 루소)의 적극적인 지지를 받게 된다. 매번 더욱 더 자극적이고 충격적인 뉴스를 원하는 니나와 그 이상을 충족 시켜주는 루이스는 최상의 시청률을 만들어내며 승승장구한다.




나이트 크롤러


(출처 : 나이트 크롤러)






But it's much more fun to watch ''Vitus,

which brings up the same issues--about how





it's tough to be exceptional--without

demonizing brilliance.



I watch a lot films; in a week it differs from 5 to 10.

This screenplay was unique in way that made





me think about myself and life

and how vulnerable we are.



Miyagi (Pat Morita) speaking in broken-English,

after having lived in the United States

(since his teens) for over 50-years!




It's interesting that this film

still has a following in Australia.





The fighting scenes were unbelievable boring

and not to followable,somehow

they were not to follow the situation.



It looks quite impressive.

I foud this movie quite enjoyable and is

worth seeing if you get the chance.

Rating: 4 stars out of 5..



Surprisingly the movie manages to sustain

the intensity, asking questions while

shining a light on different corners of the world.




The acting and cinematography are uniformly good,

the latter especially considering the low budget.






아메리칸 뷰티 케빈 스페이시

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 9. 09:11

아메리칸 뷰티 케빈 스페이시


레스터 번햄(케빈 스페이시 분)은 좌절감으로 가득 찬 잡지사 직원으로 하루하루를 무기력 속에서 살아간다. 그가 하루 중 최상의 기분을 느끼는 때는 단지 샤워실에서 자위 행위를 할 때뿐이고, 그후는 모든 것이 곤두박질 친다. 아내와 딸은 그가 한심한 실패자라고 낙인찍어 놓았고 직장의 상사는 그를 해고하기 직전이다. 부동산 소개업자로 일하는 아내 케롤린(아넷트 베닝 분)은 수완가로 자처하고 완벽주의를 외치며 물질만능의 길을 추구한다.





아메리칸 뷰티


(출처 : 아메리칸 뷰티)







Taxidermia will shock, upset, disturb and make

nauseous all but the most sturdy

and unflappable cinema viewer.



I could watch it over and over, and tears would

either come to my eyes or virtually

stream down my cheeks every time.




It's an intelligent film, both gripping to

watch and thought provoking afterward.





A big question I hope can be answered in a

future DVD release!!!!!!!!!!! Follow

my advice.............get a chance and see it..





I wasn't upset to see a Japa

nese man playing a

Chinese man--heck, for Hollywood, that's a lot closer

to realistic than the usual White Westerner

playing Asian roles of the era.





A lot of people unfairly sh!t on this series

but several of the Guinea Pig

videos are fairly entertaining.





The acting, such as it is, is sort of 70's 007 movies wooden

line delivery meets Bruce Lee's very obviously faked

fight scenes, but it's not even anywhere near as good

as either a Roger Moore 007 or a Bruce Lee film.





스틸 앨리스 크리스틴 스튜어트

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 8. 23:50

스틸 앨리스 크리스틴 스튜어트



세 아이의 엄마, 사랑스러운 아내, 존경 받는 교수로서 행복한 삶을 살던 ‘앨리스(줄리안 무어)’. 어느 날 자신이 희귀성 알츠하이머에 걸렸다는 사실을 알게 된다. 행복했던 추억, 사랑하는 사람들까지도 모두 잊어버릴 수 있다는 사실에 두려움을 느끼는 앨리스. 하지만 소중한 시간들 앞에 온전한 자신으로 남기 위해 당당히 삶에 맞서기로 결심하는데….




스틸 앨리스


(출처 : 스틸 앨리스)






I thought the story was good but there

were times when some of the

subcharacters were grossly over-acting.



My favorite goddess is Urd, for

sure! She is sexy and very confident.




The varying anime series feature the main characters

and are based on the same

basic plot line as the original manga.

Keiichi Morisato, one day, called the Goddess services by

accident when he was ordering something to eat.





Director Dewey Nicks was a former fashion photographer,

and after reviewing this film, you can only

wish he'll go back to the profession.





All in all it's a moderately enjoyable horror

slice of cheese - you could do much

worse and you can do a Whole Lot Better!.



Sidney and Fonda make a marvelous team, and it is

nice to see Barton MacLane playing a nice guy

for a change, instead of his usual growling bully.





If you just found out the pie killed your daughter,

you wouldn't feed it to anyone else would you?!

Book was so much better!.







소중한 날의 꿈 오연서

카테고리 없음|2020. 2. 8. 21:37

소중한 날의 꿈 오연서



달리기에서만은 한 번도 져 본적 없던 이랑은 계주에서 처음으로 상대에게 추월당하자 지지 않기 위해 일부러 넘어진다. 그 후, 이랑은 육상부 선생님의 끈질긴 설득에도 불구하고 지는 것이 두려워 달리기를 하지 않게 된다. 어느 날 이랑은 레코드 가게에서 서울에서 온 전학생 수민을 만나 친구가 된다. 수민은 얼굴도 예쁘고 어른스러워서 남학생들에게 인기가 많다.




소중한 날의 꿈


(출처 : 소중한 날의 꿈)






The Unknown is one of the more interesting Lon

Chaney collaborations with director/writer Tod

Browning, as Chaney's typically physically malleable





performance is often executed here in

conjunction with "stunt double" Peter Dismuki.



The film doesn't have much blood and guts,

which might be a turnoff for alot of horror fans,

but one thing that can't be ignored about

Addicted to Murder is that it is unique.




Love it or hate it, YOU decide!!!!!!!!.



It still has me constantly laughing 'till this day,

I think if you loved the first Home Alone,





I'm sure that you'll just naturally

love this one as well.



I've always been told that I'm fairly mature

for my age - I'm not even old enough to





drive yet & I'm already

learning & respecting morals.



So I ask why? Why did they end it and never

look back? This series was rich with spin-offs, potential

movies - a never-ending cash cow, and yet it ended





abruptly after wasting an entire season

devoping Ezri instead of tying up the loose ends.



I loved it, some of the film quality was a

bit dubious, looked like someone had been let loose

with a videocamera and a couple of army surplus





uniforms but the acting was

adequate and the story okay.



